
Prettifier is a portrait beaulty enhancer. With Prettifier you can pick a portrait of one person and change the color of eyes, remove red eyes, change the color of lips, change color of eyelid, widen eyes, whiten teeth, smoothen facial skin, remove wrinkles, apply black contour around the inside of the eye just like makeup, and apply cheeks' makeup.

Register here to get your free license.
Don't use fake e-mails because if you do you will not be able to request keys. Fake e-mails are removed from time to time.
You have 7 days to register your first giveaway license copy. If you miss the deadline your license will be invalidated. If you register your giveaway license within the first 7 days then you will be granted KEYs for up to 10 different computers.
Future updates for your giveaway license will not be free.
This software is exclusive for MacOS 7 to 15.

More about Prettifier

Prettifier Giveaway License

Type your name and e-mail correctly. IMPORTANT: If your e-mail is typed incorrectly you will not be able to receive the registration key.

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  Last Name *
  E-mail *
  Retype E-mail *

Type the text exactly as shown above: