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Capture, cut, split, trim, and join MP3 files. Stream live audio with QoS (Quality of Service). Convert audio to MP3 and 16+ different formats. Apply professional 30+ audio effects to your tracks such as fade-in, fade-out, noise reduction, equalization, reverb, bass, treble, volume gain, volume reduction, pitch, tempo, and much more.


History -> Hi-Q MP3 Recorder Pro

Features| Download| Purchase| Screenshots| Requirements| History|

2022-7-20 The new version of Hi-Q MP3 Recorder Pro v.: was released today. New features: 1. New languages.
2022-4-5 The new version of Hi-Q MP3 Recorder Pro v.: was released today. New features: 1. Scheduler. 2. System keyboard hooks to start recording with a keyboard shortcut at any time.
2022-1-7 The new version of Hi-Q MP3 Recorder Pro v.: was released today. New features: 1. Editor with undo and redo operations.
2021-12-25 The new version of Hi-Q MP3 Recorder Pro v.: was released today. New features: 1. Ability to record audio from the speakers.
2021-12-5 The new version of Hi-Q MP3 Recorder Pro v.: was released today. New features: 1. User interface improvements. 2. Important error corrections.
2021-11-5 The new version of Hi-Q MP3 Recorder Pro v.: was released today. New features: 1. Ability to play and hear the recorded audio files before choosing to edit them. 2. Stable after several bug fixes. 3.Ability to turn off checking for updates.